
June 1, 2011 § Leave a comment


This isn’t a new thing.  I love bookshelves, so does L.  I have to admit, I’m generally one of those readers who gets distracted by a fly on the wall and never makes it past Chapter 12…but that doesn’t decrease my ability to collect novels, magazines, journals, and texts.  I’m a junkie. 

That said, I recently rearranged the new shelf in our bedroom!  Previous to it’s new chic appearance, it was simply a  place to pile homeless bits & bobs that otherwise got in the way (an often sad and unfortunate destiny of intended bookshelves).   Now it’s organized, colourful, and it speaks to who we are.  Unfortunately I could only put a small number of goodies on display for all to see, but some is better than none!

Take a hint.  Reorganize and refresh your bookshelf…who knows, it might even inspire you to read those books you’ve been saving for a rainy day.   ;)

Ps.  Yes, that is a homemade piggy bank…

The “real” pig is D’s.  We are each saving up for things we won’t tell the other about.  It’s amazing how much money piles up in these piggies after a while!  I made mine to encourage saving the loose change that tends to get endlessly spent on coffee and lunch…Excited to see how much I can save over the summer months!!


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